Welcome to Monrovia Community Adult School!
I am confident that you have come to the best adult education school in the San Gabriel Valley. Monrovia Community Adult School is a WASC-accredited and NCAA-approved institution offering UC a-g classes in its high school diploma program. I am very proud of the variety of outstanding programs MCAS offers in short-term career technical education (CTE) training, career development education, English as a Second Language (ESL), basic education, and high school diploma and equivalency.
I am excited to report that MCAS enrollment has exceeded pre-pandemic levels, but more importantly, the school’s total number of Participants increased dramatically in 2023-24. The state defines a Participant as a student who attends MCAS programs for 12 or more hours and the number of Participants is an important performance indicator for the school. The number of Participants in 2023-24 increased 32% from the previous program year due to the hard work of faculty and staff.
MCAS continues to be a strong hub for regional workforce development. In 2023-24, MCAS partnered with the California Employment Development Department (EDD) and dozens of regional employers to offer Job Fairs and hiring events that served nearly 1,000 potential employees. MCAS annually works with six Los Angeles County Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) and nearly 20 America’s Job Centers of California (AJCCs) to provide Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services to hundreds of LA County residents. These partnerships ensure that hundreds of students enrolled in CTE programs pay nothing for their classroom training. I can confidently state that no adult school in California is as effective as MCAS in partnering with regional WIOA Title I workforce agencies.
We are very fortunate that the Monrovia Board of Education and the Monrovia Unified School District have continually provided strong financial support and leadership to Monrovia Community Adult School. The support and assistance of our Board and district office has allowed this school to focus on what it does best: transforming the lives of our students through education.
With dedicated funding from the state through the California Adult Education Program (CAEP), MCAS has been able to maintain the new programs it implemented over the past three years. I urge you to stay informed about CAEP and how it affects your education. The website is: http://ccadulted.org/
Our students continue to embrace a culture of progress and transition. Many MCAS ESL students graduated from the ESL program and also completed the HiSET. We saw increased diplomas earned and HiSET passage rates, continued excellence in our CTE certifications and employment rates, and student transitions to postsecondary schools.
MCAS remains a vital part of the Citrus College Adult Education Consortium (CCAEC), which means that MCAS continues to work together with regional adult schools and Citrus College to better provide you with programs and services. You can learn more about the CCAEC at our consortium website: http://ccadulted.org/
Welcome and please let me know, if there is anything we can do to serve you better.